
Course Cancellation of BFSU ISS 2019





The following 14 courses will be cancelled due to inadequate selection:

Course No. Course Title Instructor
SUM19222 Understanding of the Functions of Language in Media Communication Ekkehard Felder
SUM19263 Statistics and Data for Journalists Jairo Lugo-Ocando
SUM19233 The Sociology of Religion in the Contemporary World Heinz Scheifinger
SUM19213 Strategic Communication and Sustainable Societies Tania Ouariachi Peralta
SUM19154 Introduction to Ethics Jovan Babić
SUM19151 Philosophical Concepts of Love with Special Emphasis on the Social Aspects Boros Gábor
SUM19140 Contemporary Issues in the Pacific Islands Terence Wesley-Smith
SUM19133 Comparative International Philosophy Reed Dasenbrock
SUM19132 History of Southeast Asia. From kingdoms to nation-states Marja-Leena Heikkila-Horn
SUM19122 China En El Mundo Huiling Luo
SUM19120 Geopolítica de los Recursos Minerales: África-América Latina Baba Ahmed Mulay
SUM19117 Islamic World Economies and the Principles of Islamic Economics Tarak Abdallah
SUM19116 Globalization and Education Baoyan Cheng
SUM19112 Administración y Economía de la Educación Juan Doberti