
2020 BFSU ISS Calls for International Experts


2020 BFSU ISS Calls for International Experts

Beijing Foreign Studies university

october 31, 2019

    Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is a prestigious university in China known for its language and cross-cultural studies programs. It is one of China’s oldest foreign studies universities,teaching 101 foreign languages and offering education programs at different levels in humanities and social sciences, including foreign languages and literature, Chinese language and literature, journalism and communication, international relations, political science, law, business, management, etc. BFSU now serves as an important educational base in China for qualified professionals with excellent foreign language competence who, after graduation, work as diplomats, translators/interpreters, businessmen, journalists, lawyers, bankers, etc. For example, among BFSU alumni who work or have worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have over 400 ambassadors and over 1000 counsellors. BFSU is thus known as the “Cradle of Diplomats”.

    Since 2016, BFSU has successfully held International Summer Session (ISS) with more than 124 courses in total and accepted over 1,514 students domestically and worldwide. Every year, apart from academic training, our ISS program also organize various cultural activities through which all participants can discover and explore Chinese traditional art as well as exchange and discus ideas. Activities such as Beijing City Tour, learning Chinese medicine, watching Peking opera, visiting the National Museum etc. are always very popular.

    BFSU is now calling for international experts for our 2020 ISS Program, which is designed to provide students with an opportunity for international exposure and to improve their academic competence. We would also like to promote the participation of more international students in our program so as to create a platform for intercultural communication between students from home and abroad.

A. Time 

The 2020 BFSU International Summer Session is scheduled from July 6 to July 31, 2020, 4 weeks in total, with no classes held at the weekends. The opening ceremony is on Monday, July 6 and courses start on Tuesday July 7.

B. Qualifications of the Applicant

  • The applicant is a full professor (or equivalent) or associate professor (or equivalent).
  • The applicant is an influential scholar in his/her academic field.

C. Course Description

  • Student

The course to be offered is well designed and has been taught before. It is targeted at undergraduate students both from China and abroad, preferably with no prerequisite requirements. If a course has prerequisite requirements, please specify. We require students to have an English proficiency equivalent to B2, IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 or above.

  • Language

The course will be taught in English, German, Spanish, Japanese, French, Arabic, Russian or other languages.

  • Course Format

The course can be taught in the form of either lecture (no more than 45 students) or seminar (10-20 students). A teaching assistant will be assigned to each class.

  • Course Subject

BFSU ISS prefers but not limited to the following course subjects:

  1. Communication and Mass Media;
  2. Law;
  3. Politics;
  4. International Business;
  5. Economics and Management;
  6. Self-development
  7. Art and History;
  8. Sociology;
  9. Literature;
  10. Linguistics;
  11. Translatology
  • Credit and Hour

All BFSU ISS courses adhere to the credit hour system. 32 credit hours are assigned to each 2-credit course, including teaching and exams.

  • Class Arrangement

2020 BFSU ISS instructors can choose from the following eight types of class arrangements depending on the duration of the course.




Section Details



Tuesday, Thursday


Section 1 08:00-08:50

Section 2 09:00-09:50

Section 3 10:10-11:00

Section 4 11:10-12:00

July 6 to 31


Tuesday, Thursday


Section 5 14:00-14:50

Section 6 15:00-15:50

Section 7 16:10-17:00

Section 8 17:10-18:00


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 1 08:00-08:50

Section 2 09:00-09:50


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 3 10:10-11:00

Section 4 11:10-12:00


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 1 08:00-08:50

Section 2 09:00-09:50

Section 3 10:10-11:00

Section 4 11:10-12:00

July 6 to 17


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 5 14:00-14:50

Section 6 15:00-15:50

Section 7 16:10-17:00

Section 8 17:10-18:00


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 1 08:00-08:50

Section 2 09:00-09:50

Section 3 10:10-11:00

Section 4 11:10-12:00

July 20 to 31


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Section 5 14:00-14:50

Section 6 15:00-15:50

Section 7 16:10-17:00

Section 8 17:10-18:00

  • Final Assessment

Final assessment is required for each course, in the form of a test or a paper. Exam items should not be all multiple choice questions, or true or false questions. We strongly recommend the use of definitions and essay questions. For research papers, the length of the paper is between 1,500 and 2,500 words. You can also have formative assessment, including students’ attendance that accounts for no more than 10%, class participation, or a final exam/paper.

D. Benefits
        (more details please contact

  •  BFSU offers a certain amount of living allowance.
  •  BFSU will cover your round trip tickets (economy class) and transportation between the Beijing International Airport and BFSU campus, but NOT your international insurance, fee for visa and visa application or transportation between your home and the airport in your country. 
  • Free accommodation on campus or within the neighborhood will be arranged. 
  • All invited experts are welcomed to join our cultural activities for free, such as city tour, tasting Chinese Medicine, watching Peking Opera, etc. 

E. Procedure

  • Application

The following materials are required and should be sent to the before December 1st, 2019.

  1. Application Form
  2. Course Description (no more than 400 words)

Course Title

Course Language

Course Description: Including but not restricted to course objectives and topics, teaching methods (lecture course or seminar course), and a brief description of assessment.

      3. Course Syllabus

Name of the Instructor

Type of Class Arrangement (see above “Class Arrangements” and choose from “Type A-H”)

Course Description and Objectives


Teaching Methods


Required and/or Recommended Readings

  • Evaluation

The Office of Undergraduate Studies will invite scholars at BFSU to evaluate and select courses for the 2020 BFSU ISS and notify the applicants about the results before January 6th, 2020.

  • Announcement

The Office of Undergraduate Studies will update the information of the selected courses (including course description, instructor profile, and course syllabus) to the BFSU ISS website (

  • Course Registration and Visa Application

BFSU will start the procedure of assisting your visa application and other arrangements between March and June 2020, depending on the number of students registered for each course. The course will be cancelled if the number of students enrolled in the course is lower than 15 before May 4, 2020.

F. Contact Information

Contact: Ms HE Miao, Officer of Undergraduate Studies


Tel.: 86 10 88815931

Fax: 86 10 88817915

Address: Beijing Foreign Studies University
No.2 North Xisanhuan Road, Beijing. PR. China 100089


       Application Form.doc