Reed Dasenbrock
University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Expertise in
English and Italian Literature, Comparative Philosophy, Higher Ed

Professor of English and Special Assistant to the Chancellor for International Partnerships

September 2016 –

Chair, WASC Senior College and University Commission, 2017-2020

(Commission Member, 2013-2016; Vice Chair, 2016-2017)

Courses taught at UH Mānoa:

Business Ethics: VEMBA (in Vietnam, January 2017)

Shakespeare: English 445 (Fall 2017 & Fall 2018)

Philosophy of Science: Philosophy 308 (Fall 2017)

Truth and Deception in Philosophy and Literature: Honors 291 (Fall 2017)

Italian Literature in Translation: Dante: LLEA 337 (Spring 2018)

University Governance: The University of Hawaiʿi: Ed Admin 780 (Spring 2018)

Introduction to Research: Honors 101 (Fall 2018)

Philosophy of Language: Philosophy 436 (Spring 2019)

Renaissance Literature: English 331 and Italian Literature in Transation: Lyric Poetry (Spring 2019)

Introduction to Higher Education: Educational Foundations 657 (Spring 2019)

NOTE: My appointment specifies a teaching load of 5 courses per academic year, distributed among 5 different units

Current Service Responsibilities at UH (in addition to WSCUC):

Member, UH Mānoa Confucius Institute Board

Member, UH University Press Board

Member, Honors Faculty

Member, Editorial Board for Mānoa Horizons Honors undergraduate journal

Member, Campus Committee for Scholars at Risk

Member, Honorary Degree Committee

Most Recent Position: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, April 2009 - September 2016

Responsibilities of Position:

Chief Academic Officer: served as Deputy Chancellor and Acting Chancellor in the Chancellor’s absence, part of Mānoa Executive Team, represented UH Mānoa to UH System at Council of Chief Academic Officers, Accreditation Liaison Officer during WASC accreditation, co-chair of Strategic Planning Committee, co-chair of Committee on Enrollment Planning, oversaw 13 colleges and schools representing 95% of Mānoa’s enrollment, served on Campus Facilities Planning Board

Significant Accomplishments of Position:

Led reaccreditation effort that led to very successful Capacity and Preparatory Review visit in December 2009 and Educational Effectiveness Review in March 2011, culminating in ten year accreditation by WASC in July 2011 (longest possible term)

Led efforts to improve graduation rates, 6-year rates went from 48% to 57.2% from 2009 to 2017, 4 year rates from 17.5% to 34%, an 94% increase which led to UH Mānoa receiving the 2017 Project Degree Completion Award from APLU

Led efforts to develop new Strategic Plan 2015-2021 focused on improvement in recruitment and retention, sustainability and addressing deferred maintenance

Led enrollment planning effort that led to first systematic enrollment goals for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa approved December 2009; co-chair of Committee on Enrollment Planning which systematically reviewed and approved ideas to improve student recruitment, address differences in educational attainment, increase community college and other intra-system transfers, and improve student retention and graduation.

Launched several new initiatives improving relations between the 7 University of Hawai‘i community colleges and University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: started electronic automatic admission process for admissible students; agreed on reverse credit transfer process so students can earn A.A degrees from home community college if they transfer early; developed agreement on partial transfer of core for early transfers; made progress on common course numbering, articulation of advising, publicity about four-year degree plans and integrated degree audit system through which students can determine pathways in multiple institutions

Heavily involved in managing budget crisis after 26% cut in state support for FY2010: managed to create efficiencies in curricular offerings by moving to more demand-driven curriculum so that credit hour production increased and unsuccessful registration attempts dropped by nearly 90% even though course offerings were cut by more than 10%. Other improvements in undergraduate education included early block registration for incoming students, an early start program, direct admission for freshmen into professional colleges, and publication of four year degree plans for all majors.

Rolled out suite of ‘high impact’ undergraduate programs: introduced Student Success Fellowships, funding students who work as advisors and peer tutors; began comprehensive campus-wide Undergraduate Research Program; began Washington, D.C. internship program with Congressional delegation and strengthened local Legislative Internship program; hired new Director of Honors Program and secured 50% increase in the Honors Program budget, with Honors program enrollment doubled as a result.

Heavily involved in space management and planning issues: developed new structure of classroom control and assignment; renovated and bought new furniture for majority of general purpose classrooms on campus; initiated plans for extensive set of new classrooms—including highly innovative spaces—in Sakamaki and elsewhere.

Central to international connections on campus: involved in country-by-country strategic planning, with East and South East Asia focus; developed new policies helping international visiting students at both undergraduate and graduate level; developed 3 & 2 program with Chinese universities; involved in successful effort to join APRU; involved in successful effort to obtain funding from Hanban (Chinese government) for renovations of Chinese language classrooms at UH Mānoa; represented Mānoa on visits to Japan, South Korea, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Mongolia, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Most Recent Previous Position: Cabinet Secretary, Higher Education Department, State of New Mexico, June 2007 – April 2009

Responsibilities of Position:

State Executive Officer for Higher Education: Member of Governor’s Cabinet, Member of State’s Children’s Cabinet, Member, Governor’s Finance Council, Member, State Workforce Development Board and Coordination Oversight Committee, Member, Governor’s Poverty Reduction Task Force; Vice President for Education, New Mexico Computer Applications Center; Chair, Education Trust Board for State (responsible for $2 billion in 529 plan assets); Co-Chair, State EPSCoR Committee; Director, New Mexico Student Loan Guarantee Corporation; Commissioner for New Mexico on Education Commission of the States; Commissioner for New Mexico on Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE); as Secretary, responsible for fiscal and programmatic oversight for all higher education institutions in the state (7 colleges and universities, 7 independent community colleges, 10 branches, and 3 special schools); responsible for implementation of legislation affecting higher education in the state; point of contact with US Department of Education on financial aid and other DOE programs.

Significant Accomplishments in Position:

Played a key role in implementation of P-20 agenda for state: developed and helped convince Legislature to fund financial incentives for higher education role in dual credit; helped draft and pushed for passage of extension of dual credit to summer; helped draft and pushed for passage of use of college readiness exam in high school; completed Geographic Areas of Responsibility process to help statewide implementation of dual credit; led implementation of HED part of IDEAL-NM, a statewide e-learning system; involved in formation of statewide 501c3 to strengthen AP programs across state.

Oversaw significant changes in capital outlay process for state: developed list of projects funded by 2008 Legislature which constitutes largest capital appropriation for higher education in history of New Mexico; developed new capital project prioritization scheme to be used for 2009 legislative priorities; developed ‘green screen’ criteria for sustainability to be used in capital project recommendations and approvals; helped State Board of Finance develop new policies on sustainable building; worked on statewide database of building inventory and condition to drive improvements in capital and deferred maintenance funding.

Developed new approach to college affordability: pushed legislature to abandon use of ‘tuition credit’ as a budget balancing device; worked to fund inflationary factors to reduce need for tuition increases (57% funded in 2008 Legislature); worked to increase state workstudy budget (increase of $250,000 funded in 2008 Legislature; increase of $3.3 million was proposed for 2009); worked to sustain Legislative Lottery Scholarship and to implement new College Affordability Award; developed new $500,000 per annum scholarship program through Education Trust Board; led effort for Department of Education College Access Challenge Grant (funded at $556k per annum).

Worked hard on issues involving Native American student achievement: organized first Tribal College Summit to discuss integration of tribal colleges with state-supported higher education; first Cabinet Secretary to visit all four tribal colleges in state; worked with Senator Bingaman’s staff on legislation concerning new category of Native American Serving Institutions and with Representative Wilson concerning funding for language preservation among native communities; expanding access of Tribal College students to state financial aid; worked successfully towards passage of Indian Higher Education Act in 2009 Legislature.

Previous Position:

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (named Acting February 2005, Interim June 2005, Provost March 2006), March 2005 – May 2007

Responsibilities of Position:

Chief Academic Officer of the institution: Member of Senior Management Team, Executive Cabinet, IT Governance Council, Federal Priorities Group, Regent’s Development Committee, UNM Foundation Board, Board of the Science and Technology Corporation (UNM’s Tech Transfer unit).

Oversaw all main campus academic units, the School of Law and four branches.

Oversaw work of Vice President for Research, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost for the Extended University, and ancillary academic units such as UNM Press.

Chaired Dean’s Council, chaired Planning Council, worked with the Regent Chair on setting the agenda for the Academic and Student Affairs Committee of the Regents.

Significant Accomplishments in Position:

Focused attention of campus on graduation rates, which reversed long slide and improved from 40 to 43.3%: developed new intersession program and summer scholarship program which helped sophomore retention and Lottery scholarship achievement reach record heights; added advisors on campus, including new transfer and pre-major advisors, and formed Provost’s Committee on Advising to strengthen advising on campus; added graduate assistantships in many large lecture classes; started innovative programs in math including late-starting classes, extra credit supplementation courses, and more focused sections of key courses; created Supplemental Instruction program on campus and added funding for tutoring; secured permanent funding for highly successful Freshman Academic Choices program; commissioned the Graduation Task Force report which provided a roadmap for future steps.

Developed and implemented 10-point Agenda for Excellence in Undergraduate Education: secured funding for innovative new B.A./M.D. program, new Research Service Learning Program, new Congressional Internship Program in Washington, D.C., dedicated pre-med, pre-health, and pre-law advisors, expanded internationalization efforts, including new programs in Rome, London, Kyoto, and Germany, developed new scholarship programs for high achieving students.

Maintained strong focus on improving minority student retention and achievement: defined Special Emphasis for Accreditation focused on equity in student achievement that was basis for subsequent successful HLC reaccreditation; formed Provost’s Committee on Diversity; commissioned Task Force reports on Hispanic and Native American issues which were acknowledged by the Hispano Round Table as influential for its statewide agenda for higher education; began minority faculty hiring program with $500,000 in funding.

Played a key role in resource acquisition efforts in all areas: was Interim Director of new Robert Wood Johnson Center for Health Policy, funded by largest gift ever given UNM ($18.5 million), led effort to define targets for proposed $500 million campaign, helped secured funding for several new chairs and state matching funding; restarted Title V efforts which led to successful $2.8 m. grant proposal; involved in setting state and federal priorities and lobbying at state and federal level, as well as in solicitations with foundations, corporations and private individuals.

Helped plan and implement substantial construction program on campus, funded in large part by $125 million in new facilities bonds (as well as state appropriations and private gifts): these funds allowed construction of new Architecture & Planning and Engineering buildings; allowed renovation of Communications & Journalism and Biology to proceed; provided funding for Biology Expansion and new Science and Math Learning Center.

Played a role in statewide discussions on higher education: restarted the Academic Council of New Mexico (the association of CAO’s of the state’s universities), was asked by previous Secretary of Higher Education to serve on the HED Advisory Board and the taskforce on Geographic Service Areas.

Initial Position at UNM: Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, August 2001-March 2005

Responsibilities of Position:

Oversaw largest academic unit on campus and in the state: 20 departments, with related interdisciplinary programs, research institutes, and museums. College has 425 faculty, total instructional staff > 1000; teaches 58% of SCH at UNM.

Managed instructional budget of $40 million; research budget $20 million; other budgeted funds (endowment, equipment, minor construction, etc.) $5 million per annum.

Member of Dean’s Council, Federal Priority Group, Planning Council, other university-wide functions.

Allocated positions among departments; oversaw hiring, tenure and promotion in College.

Significant Accomplishments as Dean:

Managed significant rise in College’s enrollments: freshman enrollment rose from 2405 to 3091, with overall SCH up 20%.

Stabilized significant College overhead debt ($1.1 million), developed plan to eliminate it which was completed 7/1/2006; stabilized and developed plans for eliminating all deficits in college units > $10,000; made significant progress on 13 of 15.

Slowed departures among faculty in College: > 30 year before I came; 10 per annum while I was dean.

Increased number of Native American faculty in College from 1 to 10, including first Native American endowed Chair at UNM; 57% of faculty hired while I was Dean were women and 29% minority, so diversity of College faculty increased substantially.

Developed new policies for faculty maternity leave, spousal hiring for retention, joint hires in college and across college lines, research semesters and start-up packages for all new faculty, selection and evaluation of chairs and directors, developed more flexible counteroffer practices, brought college practices on post-tenure review in line with university policies, and developed new faculty development funds for mid-career and senior faculty.

Strongly involved in developing new degree programs: got M.S. in Optics and M.F.A. in English in Creative Writing approved; implemented degree completion programs at branches; helped develop B.A./M.D. and recently approved new M.S. and Ph.D. in Nanoscience & Microsystems (the last two are cross-college collaborations). Level of collaboration with other schools and colleges significantly enhanced, including first joint appointments with School of Medicine and School of Law.

Began university-wide undergraduate research program (PROFOUND) and pre-law program.

External grant funding up 50% in four years; hired Associate Dean for Research and 1st grant writer in the College; helped secure federal funding for several College projects and substantially increased College participation in Federal Priorities process.

Helped increase endowments available to College 70%.

Initiated review of all interdisciplinary programs and centers in College to clarify governance, reporting structures, and finances. One center closed after review; other centers and programs significantly strengthened.

Reorganized lines of reporting in College: delegated 10 reports to Associate Deans; College adopted by-laws to clarify formal organization.

Previous Administrative Positions:

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences & Director, Arts and Sciences Research Center, New Mexico State University, January 1998-2001

Department Head, Department of English, New Mexico State University, 1994-1997

Academic Employment:

Professor of English, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 2009-

Professor of English, University of New Mexico, 2001-2009

(on leave while serving as Cabinet Secretary, 2007-2009)

Professor of English, New Mexico State University, 1991-2001

Jerome S. Cardin Visiting Professor of Humanities, Loyola College in Maryland, 1992-1993

Associate Professor of English, New Mexico State University, 1986-1991

Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University, 1981-1986

Adjunct Instructor, Loyola College in Maryland, 1981

Towson State University, 1979-1980

The John Hopkins University, 1979

Teaching Assistant, The Johns Hopkins University, 1978-1979


Ph.D. (English), The Johns Hopkins University, 1981

M.A. (English), The Johns Hopkins University, 1979

B.Phil. (English: Course vii–1880-1960), Oxford University, 1977

B.A., McGill University, 1974 First Class Honours Degree in English


“Literary Vorticism: Painting and the Modernist Aesthetic of Wyndham Lewis and Ezra Pound”

Directors: Hugh Kenner & Michael Fried

Abstract: DAI No. 9 (March 1982), 4005A

Fellowships, Individual Grants and Awards:

University of Hawaiʿi at Mānoa/Beijing University Faculty Exchange, Summer 2018

Co-Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute for College Teachers,

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1998

Co-Director, NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers, School of Oriental and African

Studies, University of London, 1996

The Kirby Prize for best essay in South Central Review in 1994

NEH Summer Stipend, 1992

NEH Travel to Collections Grant, 1991

New Mexico Eminent Scholar, State of New Mexico, 1989

Yale Petrarch Institute, Summer 1989

The first Kinneavy Award, for Best Article in the Journal of Advanced Composition, 1988

NEH Fellowship for College Teachers, 1985-1986

NMSU Research Grants, 1982, 1985, 1986 & 1988

Johns Hopkins University Fellowships, 1977-1981

Institutional Grants in New Mexico:

Principal Investigator & Project Director, NEH Challenge Grant, 1999-2001, funded at $450,000; $1,350,000 Challenge Grant total successfully achieved in 2003

Principal Investigator, MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers), NIH, 2004-2007, funded at $700,000 per annum

Interim Executive Director, Robert Wood Johnson Center for Health Policy, 2006-2007, funded by an $18.5 million gift and grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Courses Taught at New Mexico State University:

Freshman Composition (English 111 and 111 Honors)

Business Writing (English 204)

Critical Inquiry (English 211)

Writing with a Word Processor (English 215)

Technical Writing (English 218)

Introduction to Literature (English 240)

Literature and Culture (English 244)

Masterpieces of World Literature (Honors 244)

Survey of American Literature I (English 251)

Survey of American Literature II (English 252)

Survey of English Literature I (English 271)

Writing about Literature (English 301)

Practical Criticism/Literary Criticism (English 302)

Advanced Composition (English 301/311)

Advanced Technical Writing (English 318)

Contemporary International Literature (Honors 325)

Science, Knowledge, and Language (Honors 342)

Chicano Literature (English 343)

South Africa as seen through its Literature (Honors 359)

The Art of Interpretation (Honors 343)

Contemporary World Literature in English (Honors 364)

The Experience of Colonialism (Honors 365)

Southwestern Literature (English 394)

Poetry of the English Renaissance (English 401/501)

The Empire Writes Back (English 402/502)

Twentieth Century British Literature (English 402/502 & 441/541)

Twentieth Century American Literature (English 404/504 & 443/543)

Principles of Literacy Criticism (English 417/517)

Seminar in Literary Criticism: Interpretation Theory (English 417/517 & 517)

Modernist Literature in English (English 421/521)

Post-Colonial Literature (English 421/521)

James Joyce (English 423/523 & 523)

Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio–The Italian Trecento (English 425/525)

The English Novel (English 435/535)

Theories of Discourse (English 511)

Rhetoric of Science (English 555)

Seminar in Rhetoric and the Philosophy of Language (English 590)

(English 211, 215, 244, 302, 343, 401, 402, 417, 421, 425, 511, 523 & 590 & the Honors courses are courses I designed or helped to design)

Courses Taught at the University of New Mexico:

Modernism (English 470/570)

Courses Taught at Loyola College, 1992-1993:

Understanding Literature (English 130)

Renaissance Literature: Lyric and Epic (English 313)

Non-Western Literature in English (English 396)

Faculty Seminar on Multiculturalism in the University


Italian: Fluent (reading, speaking, writing)

French: Good reading knowledge, fair speaking knowledge

Spanish: Fair reading knowledge, basic speaking knowledge

Chinese: Basic speaking and reading knowledge



Truth and Consequences: Intentions, Conventions, and the New Thematics (University Park & London: Penn State Press, 2001), 285 pages

Imitating the Italians: Wyatt, Spenser, Synge, Pound, Joyce (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991), 285 pages

The Literary Vorticism of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis: Towards the Condition of Painting (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985), 271 pages

Co-Authored Book:

Interviews with Writers of the Post-Colonial World (Jackson & London: University Press of Mississippi, 1992), 312 pages

Edited Books:

Literary Theory after Davidson (University Park & London: Penn State Press, 1993), 403 pages

Wyndham Lewis, The Revenge for Love (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1991), 403 pages

Redrawing the Lines: Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), 263 pages; reprinted by University of Minnesota Press, Fall 2008

Wyndham Lewis, The Art of Being Ruled (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1989), 464 pages

Edited Special Issues:

Co-edited special issue of the Review of Contemporary Fiction 9, No. 2 (Summer 1989) on the work of Zulfikar Ghose

Contributions to Books:

“Death and the Fanciulla,” in the Routledge Companion to Death, ed. Daniel Jernigan, forthcoming 2019

“A Tale of Two Rankings: Reengineering Higher Education,” The Future of Higher Education: Perspectives from America’s Academic Leaders, eds. Gary A. Olson & John W. Presley (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2009), 11-20

“Tariq Ali’s The Islam Quintet,” in British Asian Fiction: Framing the Contemporary, ed. Neil Murphy & Wai-Chew Sim (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008), 11-32

“Infinity, the ‘Terribly Burned’ Bruno and Ulysses,” in Joyce on the Threshold, ed. Timothy Martin & Anne Fogarty (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005), 28-41

“The Novel and the End of Empire,” in A Companion to the British and Irish Novel, 1945-2000 (London: Blackwells, 2004), 83-95

“The Trouble with (Arguing against) Principle: Fish’s Incomplete Machiavellianism,” in Postmodern Sophistry: Stanley Fish and the Critical Enterprise, eds. Gary A. Olson &

Lynn Worsham (SUNY Press, 2004), 127-41

“Poetry and Politics,” in A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English, ed. Neil Roberts (Basil Blackwell, 2001), 51-64

“Why the Post in Post-Colonial Is Not the Post in Post-Modern: Homer . Dante . Pound.

Walcott,” in Ezra Pound and African American Modernism, ed. Michael Coyle (Orono:

National Poetry Foundation, 2001), 111-123

“Locating Donald Davidson and Literary Language,” in The Philosophy of Donald Davidson, The Library of Living Philosophers, ed. Louis Hahn (Chicago: Open Court, 1999), 361-77

“Changing Teacher Preparation for a Changing Student Body,” in Preparing a Nation’s Teachers, ed. Phyllis Franklin, David Laurence, and Elizabeth B. Welles (New York: MLA, 1999), 319-31

“Slouching toward Berlin: Life in a Post-Fascist Culture,” in Fascism’s Return: Scandal, Revision, and Ideology, ed. Richard J. Golsan (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1998), 244-59

“Saladin, Confucius and the Status of the Other in Dante and Pound,” in Dante e Pound, ed. Maria Luisa Ardizzone (Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1998), 63-76

“We’ve Done it to Ourselves: The Critique of Truth and the Attack on Theory,” in PC Wars: Politics and Theory in the Academy, ed. Jeffrey Williams (Routledge, 1995), 172-83

“Constructing a Larger Iliad: Ezra Pound and the Vicissitudes of Epic,” in Epic and Epoch: Essays on the History and Interpretation of a Genre, eds. Steven M. Oberhelman, Van Kelly & Richard J. Golsan (Texas Tech Press, 1994), 248-66

“A Rhetoric of Bumper Stickers: What Analytic Philosophy can Contribute to a New Rhetoric,” in Defining the New Rhetorics, eds. Theresa Enos & Stuart Brown (Sage, 1992), 191-206

“Teaching Multicultural Literature,” in Understanding Others: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Studies and the Teaching of Literature, eds. Joseph Trimmer & Tilly Warnock (NCTE, 1992), 35-46; excerpted in Inflections 1, No. 2 (December 1993), 3-4, 8-9

“Wyndham Lewis’s Fascist Imagination and the Fiction of Paranoia,” in Fascism, Aesthetics and Culture, ed. Richard J. Golsan (University Press of New England, 1992), 81-97

“Paul de Man, the Modernist as Fascist,” in Fascism, Aesthetics and Culture, ed. Richard J. Golsan (University Press of New England, 1992), 229-42; a revision of a previously published article

“English Department Geography: Interpreting the MLA Bibliography,” in Pedagogy is Politics–Literary Theory and the Teaching of Literature, ed. M. Regina Kecht (University of Illinois Press, 1992), 193-214; a revision of a previously published article

“Southwest of What? Southwestern Literature as a form of Frontier Literature,” in Desert, Garden, Margin, Range: Literature on the American Frontier, ed. Eric Heyne (Twayne, 1992), 123-32

An Introduction to Cecil Robinson’s No Short Journeys: The Interplay of Cultures in the History and Literature of the Borderlands (University of Arizona Press, 1992), xv-xxiii

“What to Teach when the Canon Closes Down: Toward a New Essentialism,” in Reorientations: Critical Theories and Pedagogies, eds. Bruce Henricksen & Thais E. Morgan (University of Illinois Press, 1990), 63-76; excerpted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 81 Yearbook 1993, 481-85.

“The Counterlife of Heresy,” in Critical Essays on Lawrence Durrell, ed. Alan W. Friedman (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1987), 222-29; a revision of a previously published article

“Vorticism Among the Isms,” in Blast 3, ed. Seamus Cooney (Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1984), 40-46


“Differentiating the Imperial and the Colonial in Southeast Asian Literature in English: The Redundancy of Courage and The Gift of Rain,” Southeast Asian Review of English 50 (2010/2011): 10-19

“Undergraduate Education: Cash Cow or Core Competency?” Profession 2011 (Fall 2011): 202-12

“How to Survive Strategic Planning: A Guide for the Perplexed,” ADE Bulletin 138-39 (Fall 2005-Spring 2006), 23-31

“Paradiso ma non troppo: The Place of the Lyric Dante in the Late Cantos of Ezra Pound,” Comparative Literature 57, No. 1 (Winter 2005), 45-60

“Imitation versus Contestation: Walcott’s Postcolonial Shakespeare,” Callaloo 28, No. 1 (2005), 104-13

“Copenhagen: The Drama of History,” Contemporary Literature 45, No. 2 (Summer 2004): 218-38

“Toward a Common Market: Arenas of Cooperation in Literary Study,” ADE Bulletin 136 (Winter 2004): 18-24; reprinted in ADFL Bulletin 36, No. 1 (Fall 2004): 20-26; and in Profession 2004 63-73

“Philosophy after Joyce: Derrida and Davidson,” Philosophy and Literature 26, No. 2 (2002): 334-45

“‘Quella vista nova’: Dante, Mathematics, and the Ending of Ulysses,” European Joyce Studies 13 (2002): 79-91, co-authored with Ray Mines

“One and a Half Cheers for the Corporate University,” ADE Bulletin (Winter 2002): 42-49

“Why There are no Post-Structuralists in Administrative Foxholes,” ADE Bulletin (Fall 2000), 22-25

“Why Read Multicultural Literature? An Arnoldian Perspective,” College English 61, No. 6 (July 1999), 35-45

“Nuruddin Farah: A Tale of Two Trilogies,” World Literature Today 72, No. 4 (Autumn 1998), 747-52; reprinted in Emerging Perspectives on Nuruddin Farah, ed. Derek Wright (Asmara: Africa World Press, 2002), 49-66

“‘Nought nowhere was never reached’: Mathematics in Ulysses,” James Joyce Quarterly 35, No. 1 (Fall 1997), 25-36; co-authored with Ray Mines

“The Crisis in the Job Market: Beyond Scapegoating,” ADE Bulletin 114 (Fall 1996), 39-43

“Truth and Methods,” College English 57, No. 5 (September 1995), 546-61; see “An Exchange on Truth and Methods” in CE 58, No. 5 (September 1996) and subsequent correspondence in CE 60, No. 1 (January 1998), 88-89

“Reading de Manians Reading de Man,” South Central Review 11, No. 1 (1994), 23-43

“Taking it Personally: Reading Derrida’s Responses,” College English 56, No. 3 (March 1994), 261-79; see related correspondence in CE 57, No. 3 (March 1995): 357-62

“What Is English Anyway?” College English 55, No. 5 (September 1993), 533-39

“Why the Commedia is not the model for The Cantos and What is,” Lectura Dantis 12 (Spring 1993), 21-32

“The Myths of the Subjective and of the Subject in Composition Studies,” Journal of Advanced Composition 13, No. 1 (Winter 1993), 21-32

“Fredric Jameson and the Dilemmas of Late Marxism,” Raritan 11, No. 3 (1992), 117-30

“The Multicultural West,” Dissent (Fall 1991), 550-55; reprinted in Beyond PC: Toward a Politics of Understanding (Graywolf Press, 1992), 201-11 & excerpted in Culture Wars, ed. Fred Whitehead (Greenhaven Press, 1994), 63-69

“Petrarch, Leopardi and Pound’s Apprehension of the Italian Past,” ELH 58, No. 1 (1991), 135-52

“Do We Write the Text We Read?”, College English 53, No. 1 (1991), 7-18; see related correspondence in 53, No. 6 (1991), 728-32; reprinted in Literary Theory after Davidson, 18-36 & in Falling into Theory, ed. David H. Richter (Bedford Books, 1994), 238-48; 2nd ed.

“Ezra Pound, the Last Ghibelline,” Journal of Modern Literature 16, No. 4 (1990), 511-33

“Mozart Contra Wagner: The Operatic Roots of the Mythic Method,” James Joyce Quarterly 27, No. 3 (1990), 517-31

“Paul de Man, the Modernist as Fascist,” Special Issue on Fascism of the South Central Review 6, No. 2 (1989), 6-18

“Forms of Biculturalism in Southwestern Literature: The Work of Rudolfo Anaya and Leslie Marmon Silko,” Genre 21, No. 3 (Fall 1988), 307-20; reprinted in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook, ed. Allan Chavkin (Oxford University Press)

“Becoming Aware of the Myth of Presence,”Journal of Advanced Composition 8 (1988), 1-11; reprinted in Composition Theory for the Postmodern Classroom, eds. Gary Olson & Sidney I. Dobrin (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994), 82-92 & in The Kinneavy Papers: Theory and the Study of Discourse, eds. Lynn Worsham, Sidney I. Dobrin & Gary A. Olson (Albany: SUNY Press, 2000), 119-31

“Jefferson and/or Adams: A Shifting Mirror for Mussolini in the Middle Cantos,” ELH (English Literary History) 55, No. 2 (1988), 505-26

“Wyatt’s Transformation of Petrarch,” Comparative Literature 40, No. 2 (1988), 122-33

“Lawrence Durrell and the Modes of Modernism,” Twentieth Century Literature 33, No. 4 (1987), 515-27

“J. L. Austin and the Articulation of a New Rhetoric,” College Composition and Communication 38, No. 3 (1987), 291-305

“Wole Soyinka’s Nobel Prize,” World Literature Today 61, No. 1 (1987), 5-9

“English Department Geography,” ADE Bulletin 86 (Spring 1987), 16-23; reprinted in Profession 87 (1987), 53-59

“Intelligibility and Meaningfulness in Multicultural Literature in English,” PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 102, No. 1 (1987), 10-19; reprinted in Academic Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines, ed. Janet Giltrow (Boardview Press, 1995), 305-23; excerpted in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: A Casebook, ed. Sau-Ling Cynthia Wong (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 159-69

“Accounting for the Changing Certainties of Interpretive Communities,” MLN (Modern Language Notes) 101, No. 5 (1986), 1022-1041

“Lewis’s Sources for the Persian Settings of Snooty Baronet,” Enemy News #22 (Spring 1986), 42-49

“Escaping the Squires’ Double Bind in Books III and IV of The Faerie Queene,” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 26, No. 1 (1986), 25-45

“Creating a Past: Achebe, Naipaul, Soyinka, Farah,” Salmagundi #68-69 (Fall 1985-Winter 1986), 312-32

“Synge’s Irish Renaissance Petrarchism,” Modern Philology 83, No. 1 (1985), 33-44

“Word-World Relations: The Work of Charles Altieri and Edward Said,” New Orleans Review 12, No. 1 (1985), 92-96

“Ulysses and Joyce’s Discovery of Vico’s ‘True Homer,’” Eire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies 20, No. 1 (1985), 96-108

“The Petrarchan Context of Spenser’s Amoretti,” PMLA 100, No. 1 (1985), 38-50; rpt. in The Norton Poetry Workshop CD-ROM

“Coming to an Understanding of Understanding: Deconstruction, Ordinary Language Philosophy and Contemporary Critical theory,” The Missouri Review 7, No. 3 (1984), 234-45

“The Politics of Stylistic Experimentation: A Commonwealth Perspective,” Journal of Indian Writing in English 12, No. 2 (1984), 48-70

“Lewis’s Theological Critique of Satire,” Enemy News: Journal of the Wyndham Lewis Society #18 (Autumn 1983), 17-23

“Norman Douglas and the Denizens of Siren Land,” Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Quarterly 5, No. 4 (1982), 1-9

“Death and the Counterlife of Heresy in Wyndham Lewis and Lawrence Durrell,”Deus Loci 4, No. 1 (1980), 3-18; reprinted in Proceedings of the First National Lawrence Durrell Conference (1981), 306-27

Brief Articles and Notes:

“Revising The Art of Being Ruled,” Enemy News: Journal of the Wyndham Lewis Society #33 (Winter 1991), 16-18

“Cantos 72-73: What kind of Textbook?,” Paideuma 19, No. 3 (1990), 129-31

“The Metaphysics of the Not-Self: Lewis’s Explorations in Buddhism,” Enemy News #29

(Winter 1989), 11-14; also see EN 32 (Summer 1991), 26, for related correspondence

“Omphalos: Untying Joyce’s Knots,”English Language Notes 23, No. 1 (1985), 63-66

“Tarr: More Detective Work,”Enemy News #17 (Autumn 1982), 23-24

“Dante’s Hell and Pound’s Paradiso: tutto spezzato,” Paideuma 9, No. 3 (1980), 501-04


Interview with Sam Selvon in Interviews with Writers of the Post-Colonial World included in

Tiger’s Triumph: Celebrating Sam Selvon, eds. Susheila Nasta & Anna Rutherford (Dangaroo 1995), 114-125

Excerpt from interview with Sandra Cisneros in Interviews with Writers of the Post-Colonial World included in Writing Women’s Lives: An Anthology of Autobiographical Narratives by Twentieth-Century American Women Writers, ed. Susan Cahill (HarperCollins 1994), 459-68; excerpted in Bedford/St. Martins CD-Rom, LiterActive (2005)

“An Interview with Zulfikar Ghose,” Review of Contemporary Fiction 9, No. (1989), 140-53

“An Interview with Rolando Hinojosa,” Translation Review 27 (1988), 3-8

“Conversation with Rolando Hinojosa,” Puerto del Sol, 23, No. 2 (1988), 226-42

“Interview with Witi Ihimaera,” Chelsea 46: World Literature in English (1987); 3-19

Contributions to Works of Reference:

Entries on “Guido Cavalcanti Rime,” “Italian Literature,” “Italian Translation” and “Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti,” The Ezra Pound Encyclopaedia, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulous (Westport: Greenwood, 2005), 141-43, 157-60, 160-62, 276-77

“Pound and the Visual Arts” for The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. Ira B. Nadel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 224-35

“Austin, J. L.” in the Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, ed. Theresa Enos (Garland, 1996), 53-54

“Popper, Karl,” in the Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, 542-43

“Ezra Pound” in A Companion to American Thought, eds. Richard Wrightman Fox & James T. Kloppenberg (Blackwell’s, 1995), 535-37

“Stanley Fish” in The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, eds. Michael Groden & Martin Kreisworth (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), 273-76; revised for 2nd edition, Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: The Johns Hopkins Guide, eds. Michael Groden, Martin Kreisworth & Imre Szeman (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012), 183-86

“Earl Lovelace: Community and Culture,” in International Literature in English: Essays on the Major Writers, ed. Robert L. Ross (Garland, 1991), 153-60

“Pound and Eliot,” Chapter 8 in American Literary Scholarship 1989 (Duke University Press, 1991), 119-36

“Pound and Eliot,” Chapter 8 in American Literary Scholarship 1988 (Duke University Press, 1990), 115-37

“Pound and Eliot,” Chapter 8 in American Literary Scholarship 1987 (Duke University Press, 1989), 111-30

“J. M. Synge and Irish Mythology,” in A J. M. Synge Literary Companion (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1988), 135-43

“Pound and Eliot,” Chapter 8 in American Literary Scholarship 1986 (Durham: Duke University Press, 1988), 117-38

“Wyndham Lewis,” Critical Survey of Long Fiction (Salem Press, 1983), Vol. 4, 1682-1690

“Ezra Pound,” Critical Survey of Poetry (Salem Press, 1982), Vol. V, 2264-2275

Non-Scholarly Publications:

“How the MLA Program is Put Together,” Graduate Student Caucus Newsletter (Summer 1996), 5-10

“English as an International Literary Language,” Agora: The Magazine for Gifted Students (November 1987): 1

Comments and Responses:

“A Comment on ‘Brave New University’ and ‘Who Killed Shakespeare?’,” College English 62, No. 5 (May 2000), 654-658

“A Response to ‘Language Philosophy and Writing: A Conversation with Donald Davidson’,”

Journal of Advanced Composition 13, No. 2 (Fall 1993), 523-28; rpt. in Philosophy, Rhetoric, Literary Criticism: (Inter)views, ed. Gary O. Olson (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1994), 35-40; also see my “A Reply to Thomas G. O’Donnell,” JAC 14, No. 2 (Fall 1994), 576-79

A response to Christy Friend, “The Excluded Conflict,” College English 54, No. 7 (1992): 852-54

A response to Robert Scholes, “Is There a Fish in This Text?” College English 47, No. 6 (1985), 650-52

A response to Charles Newman’s “The Post-Modern Aura,” Salmagundi #67 (Summer 1985), 185-88


Pearl James, The New Death: American Modernism and World War I, Benjamin Kahan, Celibacies: American Modernism and Sexual Life, and Matthew Stratton, The Politics of Irony in American Modernism, forthcoming from American Literature (2018)

“Recovering the Lost Iconicity of Modernism,” a review of George Bornstein, Material Modernism: The Politics of the Page, Review 25 (2003), 25-30

Stephen R. Yarbrough, After Rhetoric: The Study of Discourse beyond Language and Culture, Journal of Advanced Composition, 470-74

Arabella Lyon, Intentions: Negotiated, Contested and Ignored, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 31, No. 2 (2001), 123-25

Thomas Rice, Joyce, Chaos and Complexity, James Joyce Quarterly 36, No. 2 (Winter 1999), 289-293, with Ray Mines

John Whittier-Ferguson, Framing Pieces: Designs of the Gloss in Joyce, Woolf, and Pound, Modern Philology 96, No. 3 (February 1999), 406-09

Jean Girondin, Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics and Walter Jost & Michael J. Hyde, eds., Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 28, No. 4 (Fall 1998), 94-96

Alan G. Gross & William M. Keith, eds., Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 28, No. 1, (Winter 1998), 104-07

Louis Dupré, Passage to Modernity, Clio 26 #4 (Summer 1997), 512-514

Paul Morrison, The Poetics of Fascism and Kenneth Asher, T.S. Eliot and Ideology, South Central Review, 14, #3-4 (Fall-Winter 1997), 103-07

Daniel Tiffany, Radio Corpse: Imagism and the Cryptaesthetic of Ezra Pound, Paideuma 26, No. 1 (Spring 1997): 141-45

Horst Ruthrof, Pandora and Occam and Jonathan Arac and Barbara Johnson, eds., Consequences of Theory, Modern Fiction Studies 39, No. 2 (Summer 1993), 431-33

Modernism/Modernity, Paideuma 24, Nos. 2/3 (1995), 245-49

Thomas Kent, Paralogic Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23, Nos. 3/4 (1993), 103-05

Stephen Sicari, Pound’s Epic Ambition: Dante and the Modern World, Comparative Literature Studies 30, No. 4 (1994), 442-45

Raymond Adolph Prier, ed., Countercurrents: On the Primacy of Texts in Literary Criticism, Annali d’italianistica 11 (1993), 294-96

Marjorie Perloff, Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 92, No. 3 (1993), 412-14

George Bornstein, ed., Representing Modernist Texts, Rocky Mountain Review 47, Nos. 1-2

(1993), 70-72

Kristen Holst Peterson & Anna Rutherford, eds., Chinua Achebe: A Celebration, Research in African Literatures, 24, No. 2 (Summer 1993), 144-46

Werner Sollers, ed., The Return of Thematic Criticism, The Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 40 (1992): 151-3

Lawrence Rainey, Ezra Pound and the Monument of Culture, Paideuma 21, No. 3 (Winter 1992), 137-41

Timothy Martin, Joyce and Wagner, James Joyce Quarterly 29, No. 4 (Summer 1992), 854-58

Edith Wyschogrod, Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 18, No. 4 (1991), 623-27

Tim Redman, Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism, Paideuma 20, 1 & 2 (1991), 231-34

Daniel Mark Fogel, Covert Relations: James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Henry James, James Joyce Literary Supplement 5, No. 1 (1991), 5

Chris Anson, Writing and Response, Journal of Advanced Composition 10, No. 1 (1990), 164-67

Charles Bazerman, Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science, College Composition and Communication 40, No. 3 (October 1989), 354-55

Robert Casillo, The Genealogy of Demons: Ezra Pound, Fascism and Anti-Semitism, American Literary History 1, No. 1 (Spring 1989), 231-39

Peter Simpson, ed., The Given Condition: Essays in Post-Colonial Literatures, Research in African Literatures 20, No. 1 (Spring 1989), 107-09

Jasper Neel, Plato, Derrida, and Writing, Composition Chronicle 1, No. 6 (October 1988), 11-12

Richard Shusterman, T. S. Eliot and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism, Yeats Eliot Review 9, No. 3 (1988), 126-29

John Frow, Marxism and Literary History, History of European Ideas 9, No. 4 (1988), 500-03

Judy Lensink, ed., Old Southwest/New Southwest, Rocky Mountain Review 42, No. 1-2 (1988), 86-87

Pound/Lewis: The Letters of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, Paideuma 15, No. 1 (1986), 137-39

Beongcheon Yu, The Great Circle: American Writers and the Orient, Paideuma 14, Nos. 2 & 3 (1985), 493-95
