Rebecca Liu
Lancaster University, UK
Expertise in
Marketing, Strategy, New Product Development, Innovation, Social Media internationalization, Coopera


Keynote Speech: ‘Cooperation, Competition and Coopetition’, Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2017, USA.

Outstanding Services Award: British Academy of Management (BAM), 2014 – 2016, UK.

Best Paper: ‘Let’s Put the Person Back into Entrepreneurship Research’: A study of entrepreneurs’ personality and innovations, awarded best developmental paper, presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM) conference 2016, UK.

Keynote Speech: Innovation and Exporting in SMEs: a comparative study between Japan and Germany’, keynote speech, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, invited by the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Best Paper: A Learning Process for NPD in Business Networks, nominated as the best paper award, presented in the 23th Innovation and Product Development Management (IPDM) Conference 2016, UK

Keynote Speech: SME Innovations in China, keynote speech 2012, China, invited by the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.

Best Research Proposal: Learning Process in New Product Development Networks, awarded honoured mentioned as one of the best research proposals for ‘Business Market Doctoral Support’ – the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) 2004, USA.

Best Employee of the Year 1996, 1999: FedEx Cooperation, USA.


‘Cooperation, Competition and Coopetition for the Global Swine Industry ’, Allen D. Leman 2017, the University of Minnesota, USA, ($2,500).

‘Innovation, Enterprise, and SME Engagement in Emerging Markets: from product innovation to business model innovation’, the Seed-Corn (pump-priming) Funding 2012 – 2013, University of Sussex, UK, (£3,000).

‘How Firms Learn About New Product Development in Their Business Networks’, the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Funding 2005 – 2006, USA, ($2,500)

‘Marketing in Smart Successful Scotland’, Project MISSS, awarded by the Scottish Enterprise funding, 2006 – 2007, UK, (£8,397).

‘Innovation and Product Management’, awarded by the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde Faculty research funding, 2004-2005 (£8,135).



1. Freel, Mark, Rebecca Liu and Christian Rammer (forthcoming), The Export Additionality of Innovation Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change.

2. Parkes, Geoff, Mark Hart, John Rudd and Rebecca Liu, ‘The role of behavioural competences in predicting entrepreneurial funding resource orchestration’, Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1-29.

3. Liu R and Kop A (2016), ‘Do Social Media Really Help? From customer involvement to new product success’, International Journal of Online Marketing, 6(3), 15 – 33.

4. Zhang W, Liu R and Chatwin C (2016) ‘The Chinese Medical Device Market: Market Drivers and Investment Prospects’, Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 22(2), 33 – 39.

Liu R. and Rammer C. (2016). ‘The Contribution of Different Public Innovation Funding Programmes to SMEs’ Export Performance’.

1. The Contribution of Different Public Innovation Funding Programmes to SMEs’ Export Performance’. ZEW Discussion Paper. Mannheim. 16-078.

2. Zhang W, Liu R and Chatwin C (2016), ‘Marketing authorization of medical devices in China’, Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 22 (1), 15 -22.

3. Liu R (2015) ‘Management Learning in Business Networks: The process and the impact’, Management Learning, 46 (3), 337 – 360.

4. Zhang W, Liu R and Chatwin C (2015), ‘Investment guidance for the Chinese medical device market’, Journal of Medical Marketing, 1 – 6.

5. Liu R (2013), ‘Cooperation, Competition and Coopetition in Innovation Communities’, Prometheus, 31 (2), 91-105.

6. Lawal L, Ahmed-Rufai T, Liu R and Chatwin C (2013) ‘The Role of Communication Satellites in Public Management, Education, Governance and Business in Nigeria’, Human Resource Management Research, 3 (5), 178 – 187.

7. Liu R and Hart S (2011), ‘Does Experience Matter? A study of knowledge processes and uncertainty reduction in solution innovation’, Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (5), 691-698.


Liu R., Kop A. (2015) ‘The Usage of Social Media in New Product Development Process: The benefits and the challenges’, in Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Steward M, Wu Y. and Liu R (2015) ‘Social Networking Sites and Marketing Strategies’, in Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.


1. Liu R, Rammer C and Ikeuchi K (2018), ‘Internationalization and SME Innovations: An empirical study in Japan and in Germany’. 25th International Product Development Management (EIASM-IPDM) Conference, Porto, Portugal.

2. Liu R. (2017), ‘Cooperation, Competition and Coopetition’, Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.

3. Nishimura Y. and Liu R. (2016), ‘What Deters Foreign Divestment? A Time-Series Study of Japanese Parent Firms’, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2016 Annual Conference. Hong Kong, China.

4. Rammer C and Liu R (2016), ‘Public Funding, Innovation and Market Expansion for SMEs: A fifteen-year longitudinal study in Germany’, American Marketing Association (AMA) 2016 Marketing & Public Policy Conference. USA.

5. Liu R., Hart S (2016), ‘A Learning Process for NPD in Business Networks’, 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management (IPDM) Conference. Glasgow, UK

6. Parke G., Liu R (2016), ‘‘Let’s Put the Person Back into Entrepreneurship Research’, A study of entrepreneurs’ personality and innovations’, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference. Newcastle, UK.

7. Liu R., Spiel J (2015), ‘Determinants of Innovation Lead Time: When does the window of opportunity shut?’, the Product Development Management Association Annual Research Forum (PDMA), 20 – 29. Los Angeles, USA.

8. Liu R., Wu W. and Tuncay-Celikel A (2015). , ‘Corporate Social Capital: The Bright Side and the Dark Side’, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference. Portsmouth, UK.

9. Liu R. and Siepel J. (2015), ‘Do Resource Constraints Trigger or Hamper Innovation? A longitudinal study of UK high-tech firms’, International Product Development Management (EIASM-IPDM) Conference, 137 – 138. Copenhagen, Denmark.

10. Liu R. and Rayman-Bacchus L. (2014), ‘Absorptive Capacity, Dynamic Capabilities and Product Innovation’, British Academy of Management (BAM). Belfast, Northern Ireland.

11. Lawal L, Liu R., Ahmed-Rufai T., Chatwin T (2013), ‘The Role of Communication Satellites in Public Management, Education, Governance and Business in Nigeria’, International Conference on Electronics Engineering, Advanced Communication, and Information Technology. ID 211. Krabi, Thailand.

12. Liu R. and Hart S. (2012), ‘From Network Collaboration to New Product Development Time’, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.

13. Liu R. and Hart S. (2010), ‘How Firms Learn About New Product Development in Their Business Network’, the Product Development Management Association Annual Research Forum (PDMA), 34, 525 – 547. Orlando, USA.

14. Liu R. and Rogozinska I (2008), ‘Service Development through University Network Collaboration’, International Product Development Management (ELASM-IPDM).

15. Liu R. and Hart S (2007), ‘Honey, Our Knowledge Is Simply Not Enough’, International Product Development Management (ELASM-IPDM). Porto, Portugal.

16. Liu R. and Hart S (2007), ‘4S’s Mode of Business Network Learning in Product Development’, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, 36, 101 – 132. Reykavik, Iceland.

17. Liu R., Hart S., Pearson D. (2006), ‘How Does Inter-Firm Learning Take Place in New Product Development Global Networks?’ British Academy of Management (BAM),

18. Liu R. and Hart S. (2006), ‘From Marketing Information to Market Knowledge competence: Uncertainty reduction in new product development’, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management - International Product Development Management (EIASM-IPDM) Conference, conference proceedings, p.851 – p.861.

19. Liu R. and Hart S. (2006), ‘How Do Firms Learn About New Product Development in Their Networks?’, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), conference proceedings, p182 – p.193.

20. Liu R., Hart S. and Pearson D. (2006), ‘How is Product Development Knowledge Learnt in Business Networks?’, Academy of Marketing (AM).

21. Liu R., Hart S. (2005), ‘Inter-organisational Learning in New Product Development Networks’, British Academy of Management (BAM).

22. Liu R., Hart S. (2005), ‘New Product Development Networks – Cooperation or Competition?’, Cooperation and Competition.

23. Liu R., Hart S. (2005), ‘Intra-firm Knowledge Management and Inter-firm Learning in New product Development: Cross industry case studies in the U.K.’, International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management.


Liu R. (2010), ‘How Firms Learn About New Product Development in Their Business Networks’, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Rebecca Liu’s research is across the fields of new product development and innovation management, innovation policy and global value chain. Prior to joining the academia, She has more than 15 years commercial experience with leading global organizations and has held various managerial positions in international markets. Her research projects were awarded by the British Academy of Management (BAM), the Product Development Management Association (PDMA) and the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM).

Her teaching is across various modules in Marketing:

Degree Programs at the Lancaster University

- Managing Marketing Innovation (UG** level, 2016 – present )

- Marketing Management (PG level, 2016 – present)

- Introduction to Marketing (UG level, 2015-2016)

- Marketing Research (UG level, 2015 – present)

- Deep Dive Consultancy Project (PG level, 2015 – present)

- Marketing Research and Consultancy Project

(UG level, 2014 – 2016)

Degree Programs at the University of Sussex

- Management of Innovation (PG level, 2011 – 2013)

- Marketing Strategy (UG level, 2010 – 2013)

- Consumer/Buyer Behavior (PG level, 2010 – 2012)

- Buyer Behavior and Integrated Marketing communications

(UG level, 2013-2014)

- International Marketing Communications

(PG level, 2012 – 2014)

Degree Programs at the University of Edinburgh

- New Product Development: Bringing Innovations to Market

(School of Business, 2008 – 2010)

- Marketing Technical Products

(School of Engineering, 2009 – 2010)