Major Achievements
»Wissendes Nichtwissen« oder »gutes Wissen«? Zum philosophischen Denken von Nicolaus Cusanus und Wáng Yángmíng. [»Learned ignorance« or »good knowing«? On the philosophical thought of Nicolas of Cusa and Wáng Yángmíng.] Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2015, 826 pp.
Translations into Chinese (in preparation):
(1) Ernst Bloch: Das Materialismusproblem, seine Geschichte und Substanz. (Werkausgabe; Vol. 7). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1985 (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft; Vol. 556).
(2) [my book, see above]
Articles (selection):
(1) “Karl Jaspers’ “philosophischer Glaube” (philosophical belief) and Wang Yangming’s “zìxìn 自信”. A Confucian reflection“ (in preparation for publication, conference volume).
(2) “Mengzi as a philosopher” (in preparation for publication in English and Chinese, conference volume and journal).
(3) “Tierbilder und Tierethik in China.” [“Animal Imagery and Animal Ethics in China.”] (in the publication process, will be published in February 2019 in Coincidentia (German jounal for philosophy)).
(4) “Logic and Problematics as a Means of Comparative Philosophy” (will be published in a volume on comparative philosophy ed. by Martin Owens (Oxford) in spring 2019, the publisher will be Cambridge Scholars publishing).
“库萨的尼古拉哲学中的镜面隐喻. The Mirror Metaphor
in the Philosophy of Nicolas of Cusa.” In: 基督教文化学刊 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture (in the process of publishing).
(6) “和谐的力量:为什么中国不会威胁世界.” In: 国际传播. International Communication, Issue 3 (2017).
(7) “Explicit and Implicit Aspects of Confucian Education.” In: Asian Studies, Confucianism and Education, Vol. V (XXI), Issue 2 (2017), p. 87-112.
(8) “Aspects of Punishment and Penalty in Chinese Legalism and Early Western Philosophy and Religiosity” In: “法家学说及其历史影响”研讨会论文集. 北京: 中国人民大学国学院, 2016, p. 345-352.
(9) “Tierethik in der chinesischen Tradition.” [“Animal Ethics in the Chinese Tradition.”] In: Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für europäische Geistesgeschichte 6/2. Bernkastel-Kues: Kueser Akademie für Europäische Geistesgeschichte, 2015, p. 449-468.
(10) “儒家思想在全球一体化格局下的意义与传播” [“On the Significance and Dissemination of Confucian Thought in a Global Context.”] In: 2015 年第七届世界儒学大会论文集(下)[The 7th Session of the World Confucian Conference (II)], p. 673-676.
(11) “Miszellen zum interkulturell philosophiehistorischen Vergleich am Beispiel Nicolaus Cusanus und Wáng Yángmíng 王陽明.” [“Miscellanea Concerning Intercultural Comparison in the History of Philosophy Taking the Example of Nicolaus Cusanus and Wáng Yángmíng 王陽明.”] In: Tom Müller; Matthias Vollet (Eds.): Die Modernitäten des Nikolaus von Kues. Debatten und Rezeptionen. [The Modernities of Nicolas da Cusa. Discussions and Receptions.] Bielefeld: transcript, 2013 (Mainzer Historische Kulturwissenschaften; 12), pp. 57-86.
(12) with Harald Seubert: “Toleranz in europäischen Traditionen.” [“Tolerance in European Traditions.”] In: Hamid Reza Yousefi; Harald Seubert (Eds.): Toleranz im Weltkontext. Geschichten – Erscheinungsformen – Neue Entwicklungen. [Tolerance in a Global Context. Histories – Manifestations – New Developments.] Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2013 (Springer VS), pp. 53-63.
(13) with Yang Guorong and Joy Kachapilly: “Philosophie in asiatischen Traditionen.” [„Philosophy in Asiatic Traditions.“] In: Hamid Reza Yousefi; Heinz Kimmerle (Eds.): Philosophie und Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in einer veränderten Welt: Theorien – Probleme – Perspektiven. [Philosophy and History of Philosophy in a Changing World.] Unter Mitw. v. Jürgen Borkenhagen, Hermann-Josef Scheidgen u. Philipp Thull. Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2012, pp. 83-98.
(14) “Zur Rede vom immanenten guten (Ge-)Wissen (liángzhī 良知) bei Wáng Yángmíng (王陽明 1472-1529) aus interkulturell-komparativer Perspektive.” [“On Wáng Yángmíng’s (王陽明 1472-1529) Talks on Immanent Good-Knowing (liángzhī 良知) From an Intercultural-Comparative Perspective.”] In: Christine Zunke (Ed.): Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2010. Oldenburg: BIS, 2011, pp. 7-37. [older publ. not listed]
Appearance on television:
12/2018: Yang Rui “Dialogue”, CGTN, topic: “The Balance of Liberty and Order”, guest of the show.
12/2018: Yang Rui: “Dialogue”, CGTN, topic: “De-linking or Globalization?”
12/2018: Real Time China Live TV, three day Live TV road trip with CGTN as a permanent guest of the show.
11/2018: CGTN Live with Laurence Brahm, topic: “How much have Chinese values changed?”
11/2018: Yang Rui “Dialogue of Civilizations”, CGTN, work as advisor on the topic for Yang Rui and his team, posing a question on TV (in the audience).
04/2017: The Point With Liu Xin.
Notable speeches since 08/2018 (selection):
12/2018: Speech and co-seminar with Mr. Ambassador Leonidas Rokanas of Greece on ancient Greek philosophy at BFSU
12/2018: Keynote speech at China Daily’s event “Changing China, Transforming World.”
12/2018: “Arnold Sommerfeld and His School of Physics Against the Background of German Science and Philosophy”, Symposium on Occasion of Arnold Sommerfeld’s 150th Birthday at Beiligong Daxue (upon invitation of Prof. Dr. Fan Tianyou).
11/2018: “Core Elements of Eurasian Traditional Education and Some Thoughts of How to Apply Them With Regard to Future Teacher Education”, First International Forum on Teacher Learning and Professional Development, Beijing Institute of Education (upon invitation).
09/2018: Speech on the topic of Festivals and Social Education, Launch Ceremony of 2018 Grand Event of Dialogues Amongst Civilizations Forum, 中国人民对外友好协会, Beijing
09/2018: Cultural Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics Conference speech. Fifth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, Qufu
08/2018: Presentations two speeches at the World Congress of Philosophy 2018 (one upon invitation)
08/2018: Opening speech at the Yantai International Coast Life Festival.
PhD Grants:
12/2012-05/2012 Gerda Henkel Stiftung
12/2009-11/2011 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung