Course Title:商业信息学

Course No. SUM03004
Class No. 1
Credit 1
Course Hours 16
Venue 西院综合楼369

This module aims to explore and establish an understanding of the nature, structure and function of information as an essential resource in the business domains. It will help students to gain knowledge of information requirements and presentation, the role of information systems and how they fit with the organisations to support the business strategies and functions. On the completion of the course, the students should be able to: 1) understand the main characteristics An introduction to Intercultural Communication Education: Theoretical and Methodological Tools of information resource, the value of information in business strategy and functions; 2) investigate the organisational structure and business processes, and the relevant information requirements, and 3) Align business and IT systems requirements to support business performance.

Teaching Language
Syllabus No Syllabus
Credit Transfer No Reference