Course Title:中国历史概论

Course No. SUM20002C
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Ye Xiangyang
Title Associate Professor
Venue TBD

*For BFSU students who selected this course, the 2 credits will be transferred to the Module of General Education: History, Philosophy and Comparative Civilizations. Course Title: Introduction to the History of China Course Language: English Course Description: This course covers the Chinese history from the antiquity to the modern times, including the 11 major dynasties, period of the Republic of China till the founding of the PRC in 1949. The focus is on the important development, major events & evolutions, and prominent figures in the political, economical, social and cultural fields. The last two lectures will be concentrated on the history of Beijing, the ancient capital city of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and the present political, economical, cultural and foreign-relation centre of China. Frequent reference to the comparable periods and occurrences in the world history (Western civilization in particular) will be made throughout the lectures. This course aims to depict the various stages in the development of the Chinese world, its successive experiences, its contribution to world history, and last but not least, to make the students have a better understanding of today’s China through its tremendous historical dimension. This course is to be conducted as lectures, and the final assessment is to include students’ attendance, class participation and a research paper between 1500 and 2500 English words.

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of Chinese Studies Courses
Credit Transfer No Reference