Course Title:中国哲学

Course No. SUM20003C
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Luo Ying
Title Associate Professor
Venue TBD

*For BFSU students who selected this course, the 2 credits will be transferred to the Module of General Education: History, Philosophy and Comparative Civilizations. Course Title: Chinese Philosophy Course Language: English Course Description: This course aims to introduce the representative persons of the three main schools Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism in Chinese philosophy (also briefly referring to the Mohism, Legalism & the School of Name etc.) and to clarify their opinions, in order that the foreign students can have clear understanding on the different schools and their characteristics in the history of Chinese philosophy. Based on the introduction of historical background, life stories of philosophers and views of different philosophy genres, this course will also draw support from a selected reading of their classical works, so that the students can clarify the meanings of the philosophical key-concepts, and to see the differences between Chinese and Western philosophy. This course is mainly taught by teachers, supplemented by class discussion and thinking assignments. This course requires a final research paper (between 1500-2500 words) related to any topic of this course.

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of Chinese Studies Courses
Credit Transfer No Reference