Course Title:中国知识产权法

Course No. SUM20004C
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Fu Hongyu
Title Associate Professor
Venue TBD

*For BFSU students who selected this course, the 2 credits will be transferred to the Module of General Education: Social Science and Areas Studies. Knowledge Objective: This Intellectual Property Law of China course is lectured to the students of BFSU International Summer Session to whom it is a necessity to have a good command of the legal rules of China concerning transaction in the practical area. The students are supposed to have a general understanding of the IP law system of China, and to have equipped basic skills to provide legal opinions concerning this field of law. Capacity Objective: This course is an integrated discipline requiring one’s proficiency in language, economics and especially law. Legal issues are basically language issues. As carrier of law, language is its tool for thoughts, by virtue of which the essence of legal culture, including legal system, legal norm, legal value, people’s faith and attitude towards law, preference to dispute settlement mechanism, etc., is embodied, captured and then fostered. Furthermore, the law and economics are closely matched in the field of intellectual property. The profound comprehension of economic principles contributes to better understanding of the nature, structure and risks in IP legal system and IP transactions. The course of Intellectual Property Law of China exposes the students to the full spectrum of IP law of China, and introduces the best practice regarding practicing and counselling. Quality Objective: The course aims to equip the students with general understanding of IP laws in China as well as the practice and issues to be solved, therefrom cultivating inter-disciplinary talents for transnational IP legal counselling and IP business transactions.

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of Chinese Studies Courses
Credit Transfer Miller et al, Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright, 5th ed., WEST 2012;