Course Title:西方视角下的马克思主义政治经济学

Course No. SUM22003
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Alfredo Antonio SaadFilho
Title Professor
Venue 线上

This course examines selected aspects of Marxist political economy as it has been understood and interpreted in the West from the time of Karl Marx until today. Throughout the course, the history and practices of Marxism are reviewed in detail, highlighting the strengths, achievements, weaknesses and political reach of Western Marxism. The course focuses on two aspects of Marxism in detail: economics and politics. On the economics side, the course stresses Marx’s theory of value. On the politics side, it focuses on the notions of class, mode of production and the state. Throughout the course, basic theory is combined with applications and historical experiences, and extensive readings of the key contributions to the literature.

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of General Education Courses: Social Science and Areas Studies
Credit Transfer No Reference