Course Title:中国哲学在欧洲的接受度研究

Course No. SUM22006
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Hans Detlef Feger
Title Professor
Venue 线上

In the context of intercultural philosophy, the seminar will discuss the German and European reception of Chinese classics on the basis of selected texts and point out parallels in European thought. Without going into detail about the different schools and currents of thought, such as Daoism, Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism or Buddhism, the seminar will discuss conceptual designs that want to contribute to an understanding of Chinese philosophy. Whether an autochthonous understanding of Chinese philosophy and the frame of reference in which it emerged is possible or only a questioning of 'Western' basic assumptions will be critically examined. The lecture is so designed that the students get a regular overview of important positions of the German and European Reception of Chinese Philosophy. The lecture is suitable for advanced bachelor students, master students and doctoral students. The participants should be able to understand German fluently and be willing to work with abstract texts. A reader will be provided in advance. The final assessment of the 2-credit-course will be the quality of presentations and a short essay. Conducted in German (and if necessary in English).

Teaching Language German
Field The Module of General Education Courses: History, Philosophy and Comparative Civilizations
Credit Transfer No Reference