Course Title:德国的社会与经济转型

Course No. SUM24011
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Wolfgang Däubler
Title Professor
Venue 403,Yifu Building

Course description Social and economic transformation in Germany “Transformation” is currently one of the biggest subjects of public discussion in Germany. It is linked to digitalization, globalization and climate protection which impose deep changes in the living and working conditions of the German population. According to German tradition, these changes are often realized by acts or other legal means. To have a basic knowledge of them, facilitates the understanding of reasoning and reactions of German partners. The course will deal with the following subjects: - Institutions of decision making and inequalities among the population - Changes of working conditions in the process of digitalization: transformation of existing workplaces and (modest) starting of platform economy; beginning if the use of AI - The existence of global markets and upcoming restrictions: Higher energy prices because of the war in Ukraine; restrictions of foreign investment because of political tensions; interruptions and regulation of supply chains - Coping with climate change – the legal framework. The end of coal industry as an example; e-mobility and the automobile industry – transformation in the field of subcontractors - Plans for the future?

Teaching Language German
Field The Module of General Education Courses: Science, Technology and Social Development
Syllabus No Syllabus
Credit Transfer No Reference