Course Title:公共关系导论

Course No. SUM03002
Class No. 1
Credit 1
Course Hours 16
Venue 西院综合楼33a

“First steps in Public Relations”. PR in the next 20 years will be the way the companies will better explain the history which surrounds a factory. We will not talk anymore about products but of course about the emotions related to using those products…We will explain the students the value of PR in companies and organizations at present. As well as press releases, we propose the students to identify stories and branded content in mass media in order to construct new ones to send to media from a business perspective. The course will also make the students think about the importance of a PR strategy within the organizations and how to prepare a press conference or an event and how to write a press release. The course will also include crisis, product, services and corporate communication issues and will reflect how to manage a good relationships with journalists and mass media from a wide perspective. The course includes real examples coming from my professional daily experience.

Teaching Language
Syllabus No Syllabus
Credit Transfer No Reference