Course Title:European integration: history and future

Course No. SUM17324
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Venue Room 306 Comprehensive Building, West Campus

The study course aims at obtaining a basic knowledge and understanding of the European Union: logic of its development, its institutional setting and functioning, as well as current debates. The course will introduce students with the historical foundations and main periods of its evolution. The course will focus on the organization of the EU and its main governing institutions – European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union. The decision-making process in the EU will be scrutinized from the perspective of national and European interests. The most important policies of the EU will be addressed, such as economic and monetary, regional and cohesion, enlargement and foreign and security policies. Particular attention will be paid to the on-going debate on the future of the European Union after the BREXIT (referendum on UK’s withdrawal from the EU). During the course students will have to elaborate a research paper (1500 words) on EU related topics and present the main findings in the class. In the end students will have to take an open-book exam.

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of General Education Courses: Literature, Art and Culture Studies
Credit Transfer View Syllabus