Beijing Foreign Studies University is a leader in China’s foreign language teaching and a prominent think tank on international and regional studies. Its mission is to act as a bridge between China and the world, and to promote the diversity of civilizations. The university has educated some of the best diplomats, statesmen, lawyers, journalists, scholars, translators, business leaders and a great number of other professionals for 75 years. It is widely known in China as the “Cradle of Chinese Diplomats”.

The university offers rigorous, multi-disciplinary academic programs in a warm and family-like environment. We are small enough to make every student count, yet big enough to provide an exciting college experience. I’m sure that with over 72 languages, 86 disciplines, endless extracurricular activities, and internship opportunities, everyone can find a suitable course of studies corresponding to his or her aspirations.

Welcome to Beijing Foreign Studies University, where you are given an opportunity for strong intellectual and personal development. You are all encouraged to be part of our diverse cultural setting while retaining your own identity.

Yang Dan
President of Beijing Foreign Studies University
Ph. D in Economics, Professor, Doctoral tutor