James Harris
University of Leeds, UK
Expertise in
20th Century Russian History, Democracy and Authoritarianism in Interwar Europe

Major Achievements



The Great Urals: Regionalism and the Evolution of the Soviet System (Cornell University Press, 1999)

(with Sarah Davies) Stalin: A New History (Cambridge University Press, 2005)

The Anatomy of Terror: Political Violence under Stalin (Oxford University Press, 2013)

(with Sarah Davies) Stalin’s World: Dictating the Soviet Order (Yale University Press, 2014)

The Great Fear: Stalin’s Terror of the 1930s (Oxford University Press, 2016)

(with Peter Whitewood and Lara Douds) Fate of the Revolution: Liberation and Authoritarianism in the Soviet Union, 1917-1942 (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming 2019)

Chapters in Books

"The Purging of Local Cliques in the Urals Region, 1936-7" in Sheila Fitzpatrick ed., Stalinism: New Perspectives (Routledge, 1999): 262-285.

"Resisting the Plan in the Urals, 1928-1956, Or Why Regional Officials Needed 'Wreckers' and 'Saboteurs'" in Lynne Viola ed., Contending with Stalinism: Soviet Power and Popular Resistance in the 1930s (Cornell University Press, 2002)

With Sarah Davies, “Joseph Stalin: Power and Ideas” in Sarah Davies and James Harris eds., Stalin: A New History (Cambridge University Press, 2005)

“Stalin as General Secretary: The Appointments Process and the Nature of Stalin’s Power” in James Harris and Sarah Davies eds., Stalin: A New History (Cambridge University Press, 2005)

“Intelligence and Threat Perception: Defending the Revolution, 1917-1937” in James Harris ed., Anatomy of Terror: Political Violence under Stalin (Oxford University Press, 2013)

“Stalin and Stalinism”, in Simon Dixon ed., Oxford Handbook for Modern Russian History (Oxford University Press, 2013)

“Stalin as Political Personality” in S. A. Smith and S. Pons eds., The Cambridge History of Communism (Cambridge University Press, 2017)


"The Growth of the Gulag: Forced Labor in the Urals Region, 1929-1931", The Russian Review, 56 (April 1997), pp. 265-280.

"Dual Subordination? The Political Police and the Party in the Urals Region, 1918-1953", Cahiers du Monde Russe 42 (2-4) 2001, pp. 423-446.

"Was Stalin a Weak Dictator?" Journal of Modern History 75 (2) 2003 pp. 375-386.

“Encircled by Enemies: Stalin's Perceptions of the Capitalist World, 1918 – 1941” Journal of Strategic Studies, 30 (3) 2008, pp. 513 – 545.

“The Bolshevik Party Transformed: Stalin’s Rise to Power in Context, 1917-1927” Quaestio Rossica 5 (3) 2017, pp. 693-707.