Course Title:金融科技——金融的未来

Course No. SUM22002
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Robbani Golam
Title Lecturer
Venue 线上

The combination of Finance and Technology—commonly known as Fintech—is revolutionizing the way financial services are provided. The availability of the Internet and smartphones are making it possible to take most financial services online. This new way of meeting customers’ needs is putting enormous pressure on incumbents. Banks are under pressure to provide digital services. But their age-old legacy system is a big problem. In these circumstances, using smart technologies, start-ups are disrupting the financial services markets by offering smart solutions to satisfy customer needs better and cheaper. This is equally true for payment, investment, as well as insurance businesses. In order to cope with this pressure from numerous start-ups, many financial organizations, including banks, are already busy transforming their services to compete with the new entrants. More often than not, they are cooperating with start-ups to share innovations in the financial services markets. But questions remain: How will this transformation revolutionize the financial services market? What are the disruptive technologies? How are they disrupting the existing business models? How the incumbents are going to accommodate disruptive technologies? How do new innovations such as Distributed Ledger Technology is going to be used by various players, including governments (to offer digital currencies)?

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of General Education Courses: Social Science and Areas Studies
Credit Transfer No Reference