Course Title:全球视野下的证券投资分析案例研究

Course No. SUM22013
Class No. 1
Credit 2
Course Hours 32
Teacher Dehong Peter WANG
Title Professor
Venue 线上

The course of securities investment case analysis from an international perspective, uses modern Python language, crawler technology and big data mining methods, to conduct basic analysis of investment cases in major global securities markets. Features of the course: 1) Summarize the common analysis types of securities investment, and classify them according to securities products, securities markets and analysis angles; 2) Combine Python language, crawler technology and big data mining method, and summarize the corresponding case analysis templates; 3) A case analysis template corresponds to a common type of securities investment analysis. This course has developed more than 50 analysis case templates. This course is based on the above case analysis template and has the following three characteristics: 1. CASES WITH INTERNATIONAL VISIONS 2. UPDATEABLE CASES 3. HEREDITABLE CASES

Teaching Language English
Field The Module of General Education Courses: History, Philosophy and Comparative Civilizations
Credit Transfer No Reference